What languages ​​does Glotio translate?

Glotio can translate your store into more than 50 languages

Do you want to know if Glotio can translate a language?

Glotio supports translation into more than 50 languages, including several of the most interesting languages to translate your store such as English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Polish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, and Arabic …Here is the complete list: https://glotio.com/en/language-available/
Simply install Glotio and create an account (only required for PrestaShop). After downloading your texts, you will find the translatable languages in your My Language menu.

You can add it directly from your dashboard
Can’t find the language you want to translate in the panel? Click on See more languages.

If you have doubts if the language you are interested in is supported, you can check it directly by installing Glotio in your store.

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